IAF-Certified Facilitator | Master
mind@work loodst, begeleidt, samenspraak in- Vergaderingen en workshops
- Kennisoverdracht, inspraak en medezeggenschap
- Dialoog, gesprek en conversaties
De mind@work methodologie werkt met de potentie van uw groep, organisatie of gemeenschap.
mind@work adviseert over opzet en inrichting van (vergader)ruimtes.
Coach en begeleider van professionele facilitators en professionals die faciliteren.
Winner Silver IAF Facilitation Impact Award 2016
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Tag Archives: Mentoring facilitators
Run facilitator, run – Mentoring facilitators 3
Facilitators try to do their best to reach goals. It can be like “the Red Queen”-paradox from Alice Through the Looking Glass: all the running just keeps you in the same place.; if you want to make progress, you have … Continue reading
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Tagged end, facilitation, goal, limits, marathon, means, Mentoring facilitators, red queen paradox, running
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Dealing with Questions by Participants – Mentoring facilitators 1
I’ve been asked to mentor a facilitator who is also a member of IAF (International Association of Facilitation). I asked if it’s alright when I share the situations and feedback with you. (S)He agreed. Case “Today when I was delivering … Continue reading
Posted in Engaging, Facilitation, Mentoring facilitator, Questioning
Tagged IAF, Mentoring facilitators, question, support
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