IAF-Certified Facilitator | Master
mind@work loodst, begeleidt, samenspraak in- Vergaderingen en workshops
- Kennisoverdracht, inspraak en medezeggenschap
- Dialoog, gesprek en conversaties
De mind@work methodologie werkt met de potentie van uw groep, organisatie of gemeenschap.
mind@work adviseert over opzet en inrichting van (vergader)ruimtes.
Coach en begeleider van professionele facilitators en professionals die faciliteren.
Winner Silver IAF Facilitation Impact Award 2016
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Tag Archives: leadership
Introducing Creating Paths of Change
The book “(Creating) Paths of Change” by Will McWhinney PhD has been labelled “the most important and original theory of social change to appear in over a generation“. And then nothing happened. Why might that be? The most important reason … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged facilitation, leadership, McWhinney, Paths of Change, PoC
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Leadership and facilitation
Jeppe Lajer asked me: “What do you think a leader or facilitator can do to raise his/her capacity to love working with groups while being conscious of his/her inadequacies?“. The answer is: “I don’t know”. But of course, i do … Continue reading
Posted in Engaging, Engels, paradox
Tagged belonging, leadership, Paradox van behoren, zelfreferentie
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Leadership in crisis
Here is a comment on “Effective Solutions to Complex Challenges are Available Today but Get Stuck. – What is Your Proposal to Get this fixed?” I posted in Leading in a Complex Environment. We have no solutions, but admitting we’re … Continue reading