IAF-Certified Facilitator | Master
mind@work loodst, begeleidt, samenspraak in- Vergaderingen en workshops
- Kennisoverdracht, inspraak en medezeggenschap
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De mind@work methodologie werkt met de potentie van uw groep, organisatie of gemeenschap.
mind@work adviseert over opzet en inrichting van (vergader)ruimtes.
Coach en begeleider van professionele facilitators en professionals die faciliteren.
Winner Silver IAF Facilitation Impact Award 2016
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Tag Archives: Engaging
Beginners mind – stay confused
“Beginners mind”, in facilitating systemic – self-sustaining – changes you will need more than an open mind, you need “Beginners mind”. The ability to stay confused enables Eigenorganisation to emerge. We’ll talk about in this event: https://tinyurl.com/d49vrbj Ed van Winden … Continue reading
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Tagged Engaging, facilitation, management of change, paradox, paradox of expression, systems thinking
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EU and the paradox of Engaging
Paul Nunesdea asked in a Linked-in group of facilitators: Do you believe European Union can ever be able to work together as a Team? What would be the opportunities for group facilitators? He added a youtube movie: Yes and no. … Continue reading