Lelie's assumption
The key reason for a perceived lack of awareness, is that if awareness is perceived, it disappears.
Lelie's purpose of facilitation
The purpose of facilitation: intervene unintentionally.
Lelie's sure sign of quality
Good facilitation goes unnoticed.
Lelie's rule for reaching consensus
Vote first, discuss criteria later
Lelie's trick to outsmart Murphy's law
A wrong solution for the right problem is preferrable over a good solution for the wrong problem.
Lelie's comment on his trick
The right solution doesn't work either.
McWhinney's paradox
Solving problems is not hopeless, it just leads to more problems.
McWhinney's paradox rephrased
Your problems are somebody else's solutions.
Hoogerhuis's power play
'Why don't you understand me?'
Peter's Principle as a practical purpose of facilitation
In every group hides a person competent to solve the problem. It is the facilitator's task to seduce that person to come forward.
Nynke's shamelessness
Hide the attractor.
Andrew's observation
Even chaos has its own rules.
Jan's comment on Andrew's observation
Yes, but the rules of chaos cannot be used to control it.
3M's criteria for brilliant ideas
1. Every brilliant idea has been rejected at least once.
2. Every bad idea has been rejected at least once too.
3. Every brilliant idea has been accepted for the wrong reasons.
4. Every bad idea has been accepted for the wrong reasons too.
The De Wit's rule of acceptance
Weick's strategy
Every strategy consists of written histories.
Jenkins & Jenkins's method decision matrix
Wrong facilitator | Right facilitator | |
Wrong method | - | + |
Right method | - | + |