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Category Archives: Uncategorized
Heinz von Foersters ethical wrote a his imperative ““Heinz, act always as to increase the number of choices”. As we usually try to reduce uncertainty, ambiguity and doubt, this seems contraproductive. In facilitating, one increases choices, as a choice made … Continue reading
Mind your body
Brains actually “add information” to reality. Brains are organs necessary for moving around: sensing and judging. One needs limbs to move, off course, and limbs required guidance. The fact that the left part of the brain is connected with the … Continue reading
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Tagged body, embodied mind, facilitation, information, mind, moving
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What’s the purpose of the proposer
Harish writes in his blog with”POSWID or “Purpose Of a System Is What It Does” is a famous dictum in Cybernetics. This is attributed to the Management Cybernetician Stafford Beer.” He implies that a purpose of a system, like beauty, … Continue reading
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Beginners mind – stay confused
“Beginners mind”, in facilitating systemic – self-sustaining – changes you will need more than an open mind, you need “Beginners mind”. The ability to stay confused enables Eigenorganisation to emerge. We’ll talk about in this event: https://tinyurl.com/d49vrbj Ed van Winden … Continue reading
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Tagged Engaging, facilitation, management of change, paradox, paradox of expression, systems thinking
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Wat is een goede definitie van causaliteit? Wat jij wil. Causaliteit, oorzaak en gevolg, duidt een conventioneel concept aan, dat in werkelijkheid niet bestaat (wat?). Het begrip bestaat alleen als denkbeeld, in een denkbeeldig bestaan. Je kan er van alles … Continue reading
Introducing Creating Paths of Change
The book “(Creating) Paths of Change” by Will McWhinney PhD has been labelled “the most important and original theory of social change to appear in over a generation“. And then nothing happened. Why might that be? The most important reason … Continue reading
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Tagged facilitation, leadership, McWhinney, Paths of Change, PoC
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Catwalk: survival of the fittest model
I gave a comment on Getting Out of the Dark Room – Staying Curious: https://harishsnotebook.wordpress.com/2021/03/08/getting-out-of-the-dark-room-staying-curious/ The Free Energy Principle (FEP) states: “all adaptive autopoietic and self-organizing behavior work under one simple imperative; avoid surprises and you will last longer. And: A … Continue reading
Provocation for Inquiry: what can you do to facilitate hierarchical systems?
I’ve been asked (as a Provocation for Inquiry): with my desire to explore paradoxes and inquiry, would appreciate your assistance in framing the following as a paradox: Hierarchical systems are built from lower levels but do not serve them I … Continue reading
Real information confuses
I got a message from one of my dear friends, who didn’t grasp the previous post completely. Understandable. Here I share my reply to her (stop reading when you feel confused), which I extend some what here. You’re not the … Continue reading
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Tagged Ashby, cassandra, confusion, data, domain, facilitation, facilitation tips, informatie, information, map, Meaning
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Move on! No information to be found here.
I noticed an article Systems Community of Inquiry http://stream.syscoi.com/2020/11/29/destruction-of-information-the-performance-paradox/ . I cannot resist to inform you that information doesn’t actually exist. You’re creating (and destroying) information at this very moment. (Ashby – an engineer and psychologist – formulated his Law … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Ashby, creativity, destruction, informatie, paradox, paradox of expression, Variety
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