IAF-Certified Facilitator | Master
mind@work loodst, begeleidt, samenspraak in- Vergaderingen en workshops
- Kennisoverdracht, inspraak en medezeggenschap
- Dialoog, gesprek en conversaties
De mind@work methodologie werkt met de potentie van uw groep, organisatie of gemeenschap.
mind@work adviseert over opzet en inrichting van (vergader)ruimtes.
Coach en begeleider van professionele facilitators en professionals die faciliteren.
Winner Silver IAF Facilitation Impact Award 2016
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Category Archives: Engels
Techniques for engagement
On Linked-In Meeting Architects, I replied to a question on “What techniques do you use to boost participant engagement?” This is NOT a technical issue, it is relational. Engagement is a paradox too: most participants feel a reluctance to participate. … Continue reading
Posted in Engaging, Engels, English, Meeting design
Tagged energizer, meeting, paradox of engagement, vergaderator
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Surely, a certificate is not a paradox
I’m a bit old-skool. I do think certification is important, for every profession. I took a certification for myself and my Community of Practitioners, the IAF. It is a kind of peer review. There are no objective standards, although I … Continue reading
Leadership and facilitation
Jeppe Lajer asked me: “What do you think a leader or facilitator can do to raise his/her capacity to love working with groups while being conscious of his/her inadequacies?“. The answer is: “I don’t know”. But of course, i do … Continue reading
Posted in Engaging, Engels, paradox
Tagged belonging, leadership, Paradox van behoren, zelfreferentie
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What and how on Identity
My dear friend Judith de Bruijn inspired me to start blogging again. I’ll share with you some pieces of my mind on facilitating change with groups and meetings. I’ll just start with the 12 paradoxes of group life. My identity … Continue reading
Posted in Engels, Faciliteren, identiteit, Identity
Tagged belonging, EU-crisis, Evoke, femaleness, gender, Green - Yellow, identity crisis, line-up, maleness, paradoxes of belonging, Social - Mythic, tool, us and them, wij en zij
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